My curiosity is attracted by formal correspondence between the world of man and the vegetable and mineral elements.
I remain enchanted in front of the miracle that makes them coincide in an instant, totally.
This vision occurs in a timeless place.
My time is not a unit of infinite extent and cyclical.
"Tempus habeo not" I cry out, and around an hour-glass still.
I find myself lapsed. Hands and leaves combine to form a new essence, nothing but humus that nourishes the earth.
And the sacred memory of which we lost. But every element, every mood, is a relic that can remind us.
There is no gap between Man and Nature. Then, in a short time a fruit is a breast, a dried flower melancholy, regal, middle-aged woman; of stones gathered on the beach are tasty ciottolatini; is the feeling that man and nature are a whole and that outside of this unit there is room for balance.
For this the wading birds move to the limit between two worlds, women and animals, on tall stems, precarious, certainly, but also light, but also higher ...