The Harmony of Opposites
I try to live in my time, to listen, to provoke, to stimulate, to interact through a pictorial language of strong chromatic and gestural contrasts which overflows with material; a living material which moves the onlooker to participate in the work itself through their own interpretation and reaction; to have the desire to touch it, love it, feel it and to regard it as being THE OTHER which invites the realisation, as I have noticed, that these days “CONTACT” occurs in a manner more virtual than real.
The other IS outside/within/between/for us; it is that multitude of individuals and colours which we are asked daily to relate to and where, through a process of personal introspection, we can see as enrichment rather than contrast.
All of this can be visualized with a language, which is immediate, simple and universal and which guides and accompanies us daily: COLOUR