“…The justice of chromatic harmony, the diffused brightness that invests and absorbs the pictorial representation, the measured contrast between shade and light, the skilled interpretation of true and imagined landscapes, with pleasing
spatial harmony, these are the essential elements of an essential art: that of Nunzia Orsini, whose work, so conceived, appears largely felt. She offers motive
for admiration and imitation by those who see painting as an instrument of elevation…”
Artist's statement:
“If you seek the truth in my art, you will not find it.
For me, painting is freedom: freedom of existence, vision, thought, and emotion.
This freedom of the imagination does not fit inside the lines. I resist having my
work compared to that of other artists or classified as belonging to a particular
school. The artistic expression of my work is born of instinct, personal experience
and my transposition of real life.Lights, images, and colours create the language of the fantastic world in which I often seek shelter, perhaps to escape to my own personal vision of truth. Images,lights, colours, memories, emotions, wishes, and visions all crowd the realm of
my consciousness. My painting is the expression of this inner world of dreams
and fantasies, a world that takes me beyond the breathlessness of everyday life.”