
"Cecilia's paintings reveal relations stories, interconnections, networks and rhizome identities intermingling, relating to one another and dansing together.
Different universes get to know each other and live together with no rejections. Nothing is still; in her paintings life is present with its mouvements, shifts and recompositions; in her case, one can indeed refer to an artistry inspired by the caleidoscope of life (...)

"The presence of the mineral, vegetal, cell and universal realms illuminates Cecilia's paintings. Besides, in them we can observe: sense of detail and of proportion, geometrical forms and the open expression of living forces and their unexpected effects giving meaning each piece of art. (...)

From abstract paintings to the portraits gallery, the beholder feels the flame engraved onto the linen, the decision to look over and beyond the miroir , the breath for the search of multiples faces and forms. At the heart of the labyrinth one can also find the way out, as also those seeds that honnor the florescence of life (...)" (Alain Rouvrais, 2008)