
Chema Senra is a Spanish visual artist. During his studies, Senra worked as illustrator for magazines and in the advertising field, and since graduating at the University of Fine Arts, of Granada (Spain) in 2003, he has been exhibiting his work in US and Europe (mostly in Spain, Italy and England).

In his long-lasting project Abstractions, his constructions start from a point that can be a shape, a color, depending on the subject he is working on. Here, his painting is rhythmic, fast, generous, but also accurate.

There is no searching of symbolic meaning, just the painting, its texture, the different brushstrokes and the composition of all the elements trying to avoid also the limits of the canvas.

His work is mainly abstract and aesthetic but he is fascinated by figurative expressionism, too. After going back to his home city, he placed his studio in the junk room of a Jazz Club. That was the origin of the Project Jam Session, where he selected and painted musicians and places related with music.

During 2009, Senra started a personal chromatic and dimensional analysis on the masterpiece of Picasso, The Guernica. This led to a 6 months project called Recovering Picasso which result is a faithful copy of the painting on a wooden panel of 244x122cms.

In 2011, he began another project, Dripping Pollock based on another great artist of the XX century. The result was a Pollock style painting, mixed media on canvas of 421x123cms

The most recent project is called Fragments, an analysis of the American Espressionism and what shoud have been its evolution. This last project will be shown in the PAN| Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli, the Contemporary Art Museum of Naples, Italy, during october 2012 and in other italian cities during 2013.

Now he is living in Cádiz, Spain.