
Born in 1981, Emmanuelle Roy studied ceramics at the Ecole Superieure des Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg, France. She obtained a master’s degree in fine arts in 2007. Today 30-year-old, she lives and works in Bordeaux. She participates regularly to exhibitions in France and abroad.
In her creations, she re-appropriates of existent codes of the domestic universe and reinterprets them in very spontaneous sculptures that evoke known objects but seem to have their very own life. She chose to practise ceramics because it is a material, which allows a very spontaneous and violent work. What she looks for in her work is the unforeseen and the accidents. By diverse processes, she applies decorations to her sculptures. They are realized from objects that she collects (figurines for children, textile pads). The vision is blurred and the decoration seems to take life on the object.
She is also interested in other media (photography, video, short-lived materials), which allow her to investigate new paths. She works with images of violence like war photos and mixes them with everyday life objects and tourist souvenirs.
The gap so provoked creates the surprise. Her works remind us of the everyday life, but they take here a dimension close to absurd.