
MARIO Gianquitto
Born in Naples March 28, 1948.
Lives and works in Pozzuoli and Naples
Title of "Master of Art" at the Art Institute "Filippo Palizzi" with the Masters: G.Casciaro, F.Girosi, C.Striccoli.
Course of Painting Academy of Fine Arts in Naples with Maestro G.Brancaccio.
Scholar of ancient painting techniques, modern and contemporary.
  A framework Gianquitto can not be watched and judged, you have the wall of her home and watched over time. And only you can read it and reread it inflame shame, it will be found, not by chance, that the content of the painting is full of innuendo, where nothing has been done at random. And in reading and rereading the painting will become necessary, because the force that releases will blend the pleasure of owning it.
The message of this artist is painting a sharp cry to raise awareness and make people understand that man is not just scanning the sky for signs new, but you should not forget the past, to receive nourishment from the power of the spirit.