
Change. Move. Push. Ignite. Break. Explore.
These are words that inspire me as a person and inform my work as an artist. I like risks. I like a challenge. Each blank canvas is an opportunity to risk. Picking up a brush is a chance to meet a challenge. I paint because it is complete freedom. Freedom to change. To move. To push. To ignite. To break. To explore. To let everything inside me spill out, fly out, drip out. There are a million choices to make - and not one of them is wrong. The fact that I can use paint, brushes and my hands to create something totally unique never ceases to inspire and excite me.

I am currently exploring the use of typography, color and composition to create pieces that challenge our preconceptions. Typography is “the art and technique of arranging type in order to make language visible.” I incorporate letters and numbers into my work to make the beauty of design visible. The goal is to strip away their inherent meaning and use them as objects. Putting them together in order to build the composition of the piece. My hope is that when people look at the work, their logical minds, conditioned to make sense of those letters and numbers, are freed to experience them in a new way. Allowing them to create something unexpected. Completely unique to them. And perhaps . . .that will change, move, push, ignite or break something inside. Giving them permission to explore. To risk. To pick something up. And meet a challenge


