
Self-taught, from 2006 to 2010 for work comes into contact with the world of digital, graphic design, print media, architectural decoration, this has put in a seed that has inizato to sprout bringing it to discover a new world.
Every form of art requires specific tools to be implemented and these tools can only be sought in the historical context in which that work is to be born.
This is the rule, it applies to all, is the very condition of the creative impulse, in spite of every archetype passatistico.
If America was discovered two days ago, probably no one would think to honor her with statues or flags stars and stripes, but we can certainly imagine dabble America symbolized by a video witnessing his discovery for example, or by a map digitally manipulated to look like maybe a puzzle.
The ideas of Enrica Caula are a beautiful example of contemporary, adjusting to this ... And only when this is experienced in the round, devoid ligaments with the past, it may well be said to be eternal, thus proving to be fully compatible with the eternal character of the creativity. Lord, yes, because it is true that a work is achievable with specific tools but it is even more true that these tools remain such, they have a purely utilitarian purpose that the same work, once brought forth, will tend to transcend and to obscure with its large dose of universality.
Enrica Caula works with mastery by means of cameras, photographic images and digital processing but this was just the trick ... for every engineer would an artist.
Enrica has used this to escape over time, he used to look beyond the looks and especially the orchestra he cleverly manipulated by computer making us totally forget about them ... The magic is this: 'she who directed the orchestra . IL his "Daily life" (work) has nothing daily newspaper, expresses the exception, the dream, the nightmare, and yet proves to be someone who lives daily exceptions.

