
Maarten Isaäk de Heer (1977, NL) is a Dutch animation artist living and working in Berlin.
From 2002 – 2004, de Heer produced animated series, each of seven shorts: GANS EGAAL (2002), ALL
THINGS NEW (2004) and WATERLANDERS (2006). These works are comments on western modern
society, brought with a dark sense of humor. Each series are in a different technique, but always 2D.
After 2006, inspired by the children's picture-books by Ali Mitgutsch, Pieter Brueghel's paintings and
Eastern European Naiv painters like Ivan Generali , de Heer started making high ć resolution busypictures:
HANDELINGEN (2009) and [mu:stərman] – a Flood Story (2012). These works fill the gap
between animation, film, and classical art. The films are presented as any classical painting or
photograph; a continuous looped installation, a static view on a landscape. With these works de Heer
is reintroducing the possibility of quietly observing an image.
He is now working on animated slideshow landscapes.