
Elena Ceratti lives and works in Milano as photography editor and editorial consultant for the agencies BlobUp and Emblema. She started at Agenzia Grazia Neri as photoresearcher for both Italian and foreign press, in particular with French publications (L’Express, Paris Match,Le Point, Le Nouvel Observateur) and cooperated with De Agostini and Rusconi publishers as photoeditor of Libro dell’Anno (Year Books) and Dizionario Enciclopedico. She is international news editor, and since 1992 she is also in charge of exhibitions as curator and/or press agent (among the authors: Phil Stern, Donna Ferrato, David and Peter Turnley, Robert Doisneau, Paolo Pellegrin,Isabel Munoz, Douglas Kirkland, Mary Ellen Mark, Michael Ackerman, Fernando Moleres, Willy Ronis, Georg Gerster, Lauren Greenfield, Christopher Morris, Zijah Gafic and others). She was in the jury of several photographic awards such as World Press Photo. She's member of Grin, the Italian photoeditors association.