
Katrina Brown, Director of the Common Guild, Glasgow, Scotland. She was Director of the Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Visual Arts in 2010 and 2012. Glasgow-born Brown has almost 20 years of experience as a curator including significant roles both at Tate Liverpool and Dundee Contemporary Arts, where her programme made the city an internationally acclaimed centre for the visual arts. Brown’s longstanding relationship with Glasgow’s visual arts community dates back to 1991 when she joined the Committee at Transmission and includes a spell at Tramway, working with Charles Esche (now Director of the Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven). Brown was also Visual Arts Projects Curator of the first, Radiance Lighting Festival. In 2006 Katrina Brown established the Common Guild, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to producing a dynamic, international programme of contemporary visual art projects, exhibitions, and events. Hugely respected in the visual arts world, Brown has brought her expertise to a range of other professional appointments including Venice Biennial Advisory Committee (British Council) 2008-09; Comité technique d’Achat (purchase committee), FRAC des Pays de la Loire, 2005 – 2008; Board of Governors, Glasgow School of Art, 2004; Selector, Beck’s Futures, 2004; Selector, Jerwood Artists Platform, 2003.