
Florence Derieux (born 1973 in Nîmes, France) is an art historian and curator. Since 2008 she is the Director of the FRAC Champagne-Ardenne in Reims, where she has organized exhibitions of the artists Anna + Peter, Francesco Arena, Boris Achour, Sylvie Auvray, Tom Burr, Julien Carreyn, Dexter Dalwood, Plamen Dejanoff, Latifa Echakhch, Cyprien Gaillard, Marine Hugonnier, Eugene van Lamsweerde/Ines van Lamsweerde/Vinood Matadin, Nicola Martini, Nick Mauss, Ciprian Mure#1;an, Emilie Pitoiset, Lili Reynaud Dewar, Clément Rodzielski, Sterling Ruby, Emily Wardill, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, among others.

Previously she was Curator at Palais de Tokyo in Paris (2000-2002); Deputy Director of the Picasso Museum in Antibes (2002-2004); Curator for Contemporary Art of the Museum of Fine Arts in Lausanne (2005-2006) and Associate Curator of Le Magasin-Centre National d’Art contemporain in Grenoble (2007). She also served as Tutor of the Ecole du Magasin’s International Curatorial Training Programme in 2006-2007, and simultaneously taught Art History and Exhibitions History at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Montpellier and the ECAL-University of Art and Design in Lausanne in 2007-2008.

Florence Derieux has published numerous catalogues, contributed texts to a number of publications, and written for magazines such as Flash Art, Mousse Magazine, Art Press, Frieze, Frog, South Magazine.
She is a member of ICOM – International Council of Museums since 2000 and of IKT – International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art since 2001. Since 2012, she is a member of the Artistic Committee of Etant donnés, the French-American Fund for Contemporary Art.