Maxmilian Ciccone was born forty years ago in the beautiful mountainous region of Calabria, near Catanzaro. As a child, was evident his artistic inclination which later led him to study art at the Liceo Artistico of Catanzaro. Without ay further education, his art career has continued to grow steadily. His intense passion for art lead him to study painters of the past, such as: Caravaggio, Shishkin and Kramskoy. Their influence, inspired Maxmilian over the following years to experience en plain-air landscape painting, developping a deeper pictorial sensitivity. Maxmilian Ciccone practices live painting, pursuing to seize the air and moods of the moment, thus inviting the viewer to feel and enter into the same emotions. He believes that this continual quest, by definition, is the most difficult, but most effective training needed to become an excellent painter. According to Maxmilian, painting is a talent that comes from God. It’s an impulse to create with our hands something that come sto life from nothing. Painting is a vibrant and life-filled expression, a parallel dimension to our reality, able to capture a fragment of life perpetuating it timelessly. Being fascinated by the expressivness of a portrait, the harmony of a landscape or by the history behind a scene give us a chance to bring back to life events of the past and to appreciated life’s value. A painting enters history and remains in history, recounting memories that will last forever throughout the generations. Over the years he participated to individual and collective exhibitions in different placese in Italy, such as: Catanzaro, Cosenza, and Arezzo. Currently, Max lives with his family in Montevarchi, a vibrant Tuscan town near Arezzo. There, h paints full time asserting his name in the arena of italian art. In an increasing way, his painting are more and more adorning the house of private collectors who have discovered in Maxmilian Ciccone a new artist whose art is well worth investing.