
Born in Padova (Italy) in 1977, Guido Bottazzo is a visual artist whose cultural roots are to be found in the architectural world first, and later in that of transportation design. In 2003 he graduates with honour at the IUAV of Venice in northern Italy, and later on he focuses in transportation design attending ACCD of Pasadena from 2005 to 2007, with honour grades. Having cooperated with leading companies belonging to different fields of the design world, from transportation design (Fiat, Iveco, Brilliance, Tata) to product design (De Longhi, Wilier), Bottazzo has always been researching unique drawing techniques and themes to be explored. Today he embraces visual arts, bringing to life in 2012 his collection of arts named "The pure eyes of child" which tells stories of an imaginery and positive world seen from the eyes of the child set in each of us. In 2005 Guido Bottazzo has been asked to design the trophees for the Petersen Museum of Los Angeles, while he gained the Art Center college of design gallery in 2006. In 2012 his Artwork gets final at the prize "Rosso Ferrari per l' Arte" in Rome, while in 2013 Bottazzo Artwork has been selected for the International Arte Laguna Prize set in Venice, Italy.


