The love of art is born from all of the experience gained through the knowledge of the many places visited and the deepening of various cultural tools.
The passion for music, love for the sea, the study of Eastern philosophy and practice of the methods of these teachers have strongly contributed to the forms of expression of his artistic works.
The love for the land, the region of Marche, initially influenced his works that are oriented to capture the atmosphere, the color and the light of its landscapes. While not abandoning the first exciting adventures, the work of continuous artistic research led him to use techniques of abstract expressionism with which it has been able to enhance the strength of the colors and the charm of collage with poor materials. She is currently gaining significant experience with original techniques in the field of digital art.
Disinclined to nature, to manifest the fruit of his work, he participated in several art exhibitions in its region, making his works available to the numerous admirers.