
Codice Bianco:
The white is a neutral and pure color, but also a free color. Free in the sense that allows me to add other themes, according to the work and to the exhibition, to the principal theme which is "Fix the time."

My white work allows you to feel it of any other color: as a matter of fact if I paint my work, for example, with the red color, it’s not possible for the observer to have the same feeling that he has looking to a white work, because the red has a strong image. In this way you see the color before the form. The white is a free color for me artist and for you observer.

Makoto was born in Maebashi in Japan. As a child, he sees the Mona Lisa by Leonardo, aspires to become an artist.

1986 Participates in the "Group exhibition of Higashinihon SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN", and win a prize from the Director of the same school - Maebashi. He discovers the world of contemporary art while attending this school and decides to continue to study three-dimensional.

In 1987 he graduated in Graphic Design from Higashinihon School of Art & Design of Maebashi. In the same year he moved to Italy and enrolled at the Fine Art Academy of Roma in the Sculpture course.

In 1988 he moved to the city of marble in Carrara, where Michelangelo worked, and strives to sculpture. He finished his studies and graduated in Sculpture in 1992 at the Fine Art Academy of Carrara.

He uses man's cast skin and makes white installations. He performs in collaboration with artists of various genres, such as photographers, dancers, musicians, designers, painters, actors etc.

He has participated to the greatest artistic events in Europe. In 2012 he wins the first prize at the international competition "The 5th 100 Artist EXhibition" - New York. In 2013 he wins the prize at the national competition "PREMIO ORA 2012", and he wins the first prize at the national competition "Number X" - Milano.


