
Born in 1982 in Marseille, Rebecca Digne lives in Paris. She graduated from the Paris École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts and from the Conservatoire libre du Cinéma (Paris), she was in residency at the Amsterdam Rijksakademie for two years. She will be starting next fall a residency at the Paris Pavillon du Palais de Tokyo. Among her recent exhibitions: in 2012, Mains (Hands), Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art, Amsterdam (solo), Tapis Volants (Flying Carpets), Villa Medici, Rome, and Musée des Abattoirs, Toulouse ; in 2011, Vesuvio, Maison Descartes, Institut français, Amsterdam (solo) ; in 2010, Dynasty, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris & Palais de Tokyo, and participated to the Paris, 55th Salon d’art contemporain, Montrouge. Her work is part of the Musée d'Art Moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou Collection.