
Félicia Atkinson is born in 1981 in Paris, France. She lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. She is graduated from l’École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris in 2008 and studied also anthropology and contemporary dance. Her artistic practice ranges from installation to painting, experimental music and the Shelter Press Editions. She exhibited recently at MUCA ROMA in Mexico (2013) and at the Festival Artist Comes First in Toulouse (2013).
Like her music, which is improvised, made out of loops, saturations and distortions, Félicia Atkinson’s artistic practice consists of arrangements, improvisations, visions and intrusions bringing together visual elements, text and sound. Often at ground level or placed against a wall, these arrangements can be seen as a mental path, or tiny and mysterious architectures. Her paintings, drawings and sculptures, often abstract, are influenced by the American tradition of painting (Morris Louis, Cy Twombly, Richard Tuttle) and inspired by the avant-garde figures that involve chance and randomness (Fluxus, John Cage, La Monte Young…).


