
My interest part by considerations related to the space at all levels of scale: a
slot, a bedroom, a neighborhood, a city. This inevitably involves the sphere of the body.
The distinctive spatial characteristic of the present age is the fact that space represents the size of the ability to self-understanding: "We live in a time in which the world is experienced, I think,rather than as a large path that develops over time, as a lattice crossing points and
weaves its skein "(Foucault 1967). The need for a non-segmentation of the disciplines is increasingly pervasive in the control response to the statement of specific sectors. Linguistics of spatial representation has a real impact on reality and on the body. My interest is directed at humanized areas because these are examples of contradictions, modernity and informality in a society where the contradiction does not appear or is immediately normalized. This means experimenting the gap on the various concepts and their effects. The theoretical research allows me to create reports, it is a self stimulation not only conceptual, but also a matter of personal interests and emotions. I could call internal phase approach. The other phase is related to something external to me, and that could be anything . This is the phase of adaptation to an environment and I would call it communication approach. Often the two approaches creates a contradiction, because between the two phases, there are no hierarchical relationships, but they depend on me and the context in which I find myself. This is my attempt of contact between the body and the environment.

