
Born in Bondeno (FE) on 12.11.1955.
I observe stars and ants from birth.
Drawing from the age of two to three years. I was one of the founders of the first Green List legally established in Italy, "Green List of Ferrara", December 1984.
Published two stories in a collection of unpublished authors in 1980 and two books ("The house of the old" -2008 and "Solitudo Planitia" -2009) with MJM publisher.
Degree in Natural Sciences in 1989 with a thesis in Prehistory. I teach Geography economy and tourism in the province of Verona.
I continue to observe the stars and ants, to draw and paint, to write stories and poems. I breed and collect stones nightmares. I'm interested in anthropology, ancient religions, astronomy, cosmology, paleontology.
Animist for Natura- Polytheistic for Passione Shamanic for Reason. Are owned by Pan, the Gorgons, the Harpies, the sylphs, and are loved by Artemis (terribly jealous!).
My thoughts on the Divine Feminine Principle and the origin of religions: the blog: "henry gherardi naturalist artist paleontologist animist - thoughts." - SEE WEB SITE staff - Or click "From Shamanism to monotheistic religions today" -
Sull'archetipo female staff in the art and the Divine Feminine Principle: "settemuse - custom: symbols of the feminine."
Ur, Lagash, Sumer, caput mundi!

Diversity is natural, because nature itself tends to diversify, and NOT unification. As is implied by the branching of the evolutionary tree of species, always in search of new adaptations and genetic modification, and mind you, -according to the latest teorie- are mutations INTENTIONAL !!! Incredible? In no way. (Research published in Science)
NATURE, by its very DEFINITION, is mutant (never fixed) and unpredictable. The diversity 'is NATURAL.

The universe is female (Don Juan Matus) as all the spirits of other inorganic size. In fact it is almost natural for a woman to become a "witch", much more dangerous instead for the male, he faces a world of women, "greedy" of masculine energy. So naturally, where the female is essential, and therefore there are entire species and populations of females only. This impossible for the male, which is generated only to scramble the DNA in difficult times - winter, etc- And there are possibilities in the animal to generate by parthenogenesis, ie without male fertilization, so in amphibians and reptiles, but also in we are still those stretches of DNA capable of doing it, protected by proteins that block them.
Let's go back to shamanism: so if a witch would use the uterus to procreate, as it is not true that only serves to quello- as told for centuries monotheists women, imbrogliandole! - Might also generate daughters (twins mother, of course ) without sexual reproduction ...
This is the credo of the Toltec shamans, strangely shared by "explorers extreme" genetics, which is currently in Japan are experimenting with Topoline fertilization between two females.
Oh yes, the universe is female, as can be seen from the prehistoric Venus, (the Venus gravettiane, some older than 30,000 years!) First and only female deities from millenni- there were not Gods males, those are later , arriving with Aryan peoples and nomads, devoted to the God of Heaven-but the first Mediterranean deity are often single-mother goddess Demeter-Artemis Ephesia ..., a partner, or a child-lover who then often die evirato- Not to mention the Goddess of Night, Mother Cosmic Egg that has generated all the other gods, so also for the Greeks before the deity is a goddess!
And so if there is a creator God, dear friends, certainly not a male!

On my works:
"My" women are strong, independent of any moral monotheistic superstructure educational and contemporary; are free from any ethical, they do not need anything, not even men. Maybe they are archaic, polytheistic, warriors, belong to an essence forgotten and buried by subsequent moral, "sexist" and romantic, that have obscured and hidden in the darkness of the unconscious and the caves of the last witches, priestesses outcasts and persecuted. The design has always been, for me certainly then have the cathartic function of the "mandala".
Because they want to merge and inglobarsi each other, with violence, sometimes with love, but always forcefully? If anyone has the answer is welcome.

See my "The omnipotence of the feminine art staff and the Divine Feminine Principle totipotent antiquity".

Also visible on fb: enrico gherardi and on skype: erikdergrune.