
My Style by

I believe in art understood PrimariaMente as Freedom and Fundamental Communication Channel,
exempt from Schemes, from Critical Prejudices, from registry classifications and substantially Word of the Company.
I have no limits in using and combining any medium of artistic communication.
In history nothing has ever been invented but simply Created_R_Evolved, Transformed and Expanded ...
I outlined a Technique and called it Creation_R_Evolution (Creation_R_Evolution).
My works have a recognizable style, there is a pictorial thread that connects them, the aka line…
that conceptual line that has its roots in the history of art, culture and changing color becomes an action to prolong the same.
I consider myself an artist, free from specific labels and with a wide life vision.
I set no limits, not even to Fulfill every grammatical rule of the means that linking use: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Photo_Graphy, Video Installations and Writing.
Rules that I know at the base, but that I modify, if necessary to the same Communication and to the same AR (it is a definition coined by me with which I love to call art).
With them I go to represent a cultural research in various areas, the contents of which are and will be visible in my Works in SpazioTempo; through Multi_ Projects that will flow into Fanta but Scientific Artistic Novels.
Today the task of art is to unite the cultural specializations and through its conveyance to improve reality. My absolute reference artist is Leonardo da Vinci.
The art of my future is culturally scientific and wants to remain in history.
Since childhood I have passionately dedicated my life to the AR and to the independent scientific study,
with a deep motivation, which will emerge with all its energy and strength.
Regardless of its success, aRT'is is Life, Life is Origin and I am an origin ArtiSty.
Follow the points of the lines, they are threads of knowledge that will change color, becoming knowledge ...
(Authenticated Project)
adele arati artiStà


