Giuseppe Cacciatore, born in Agrigento in 1958, has lived and worked in Reggio Emilia since 1993. As a self-taught painter, after the figurative debut in the early 1980s, he mostly devoted himself to abstract research and reality transfiguration. In his paintings, the geometrical impression of the sign is only the instrument, the means by which he sensibly curbs the color which itself becomes, in this effect of dimness and thickness, the main character and actor. He took part in several personal and collective expositions, whose latest were Trame Attive(active textures), Jazz Up, Frammenti(fragments), Snowflakes, Rainbow, Red, Fiori di nessuno(nobody’s flowers), Nido Urbano(urban nest), Variazioni(variations) e Panoramica(panoramic view). He also attended Immagina Arte in Fiera (imagine art at fair). He cooperated with Reggio Emilia’s Galleria 8,75.