
" Its fantastic interpretation of reality ' leads her into a crazy journey between the colors of the soul and its poetic memories . As a kind of automatic writing she sets her subjects with severe forms of the disorder. Alterna figures, mostly' women in childish " scribbles " I said as a joke by words and notes are often present in his canvases.
A sort of collage of the three arts , Music, Painting , Poetry . Changer , plays with the material to come out of his paintings his Women, and its colors . Splits the canvas, revolutionizing the personal artistic canons , leaves the delicate pastel shades to jump in vivid , casually studied rigorously described by signs marked dark , as if to trap between the lines, a thousand thoughts .
Draws the brush on the palette with such freedom ' and precision to create perfect color every time that as a sort of magic, intersects perfectly with the weave of the canvas. Do not leave anything to chance , but talking to her , it seems very simple to paint, leaked a crazy courage in describing his subjects sometimes ironic .
But the impression is created that there observing the multitude of subjects taken more 'times also often quite childish , and ' the idea of ​​a recurring dream , which is developed through the years with the growth skilful artist. His attention , and ' Fantastic devoted to the study of reality' , you do not define an artist abstract , the full-bodied ' of his works, it fits like a glove representing the most' human figurative of his visions . "