

Art has always been a huge part of my life. Growing up in inner city Trenton, art was an escape from many of the negative images that plagued my community. Seeing many of my friends fall victim to the streets, art become my peer and best friend. It was my way of expressing myself without being involved in the drama of the streets.

As I matured, my work began to be more introspective. I lean more toward subject matter that involves my family and the way I grew up. Since the birth of my daughter, many of my pieces center on women and children. My current body of work is basically a visually diary from childhood to adulthood and everything in-between. I use my past to create pieces that focus on my present. In doing so, hopefully I will discover my future.


Born and raised in Trenton, NJ, Willie Condry, Jr., or KASSO as he is popularly known, grew up in the cities North Ward. Art was a creative outlet that manifested itself early on. Since the age of 5, KASSO has been creating art. He first noticed graffiti art at the age of 7 when graffiti artist from North Jersey and New York were creating murals for local businesses in Trenton. At age 11, he watched the legendary battle between LA graffiti writers HEX and SLICK on television and that's when he realized what he was destined to do.

KASSO went on to study Fine Arts and Illustration at the College of New Jersey, where he excelled in painting, drawing and ceramic sculpture. He furthered his education under the totullage of legendary graffiti artist, teacher, and mentor Daniel "POSE 2" Hopkins, where he mastered the fine art of aerosol painting.

Today KASSO is primary know for his unique portraits and vivid aerosol based murals. He is a pioneering force in the Trenton, NJ art scene and has worked with numerous non-profit organizations, some of which included: One Simple Wish, ALBUS CAVUS, NJTL(National Junior Tennis League), Home Front, City Without Walls, Isles Youth Build and The Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. Along with S.A.G.E. Collective and the Vicious Styles Crew, KASSO has produced dozens of murals throughout the city of Trenton and across the east coast. He has also been commissioned to produced fine art for numerous celebrities and avid art collectors. His goal is to keep producing art by any means and to keep pushing the limits of what art can conceive and achieve.


