
Trying to describe what I see in these paintings seems to me quite reductive because this would mean starting only from my sense of sight.

Even though throughout a spontaneous association of freedom and pleasure Nicoletta was able to create absolutely delightful paintings to observe, I moreover believe that in these colorful shapes and signs there's a lot more.
What really attracts mostly my attention is precisely what I don't see: those un-closed shapes which personal opinions are free to complete. This freedom brings us, who are watching, to go beyond the shapes; there where what we concretely know confines with the fantasy of our imagination.

In this way we find ourselves not just as passive observers but as the ideal subjects of this creative work, in which the lack of perspective, the crushing planes and the arbitrary use of the colours, distances us relentlessly from a reality of Renaissance's memories, and pleasantly leads us towards a more contemporary attitude.

After all, our perception lets us seize the shapes in a clear way only in the instant in which we look at them; but reality is always on the move, so it becomes impossible to describe in detail something without loosing its vital essence.

Contemporary art has done a lot of researches regarding this issue, reaching the most extreme provocation with Duchamp, who, with his Ready Made, repeated and reaffirmed the concept of art as something that doesn't represent reality, but it displays it.

Certainly, without reaching these extremes, it is essential to reflect on and ask yourselves what's more real: a detailed reproduction or an independent shape, result of memory and experience?
Therefore, there's nothing more pleasant, looking at Nicoletta's paintings, than to be able to cooperate together awareness and imagination.