
Paper is a stronger material to show a dichotomous society than anything else. By cutting out this paper, a fixed dichotomous society is destroyed and takes a form of injuring me who lives in it. But another form of beauty I think shows up in the destruction.

□ Exhibition.
1st . solo exhibition. ‘secret factory’ vol.01 (2005. 11. Gwangju, Korea)
2nd . solo exhibition. strange flowers: secret factory vol.02. (2007.11.Gwangju, Korea)
3rd. solo exhibition ‘There is no essence. (2011.11.)Gwangju, Korea
4th. Solo exhibition ‘Island’ (2012.06) (Unit one, 798, Beijing, China)
5 th. solo exhibition ‘There is no essence (2013. 2. Artery, Bangkok, Thailand).

2013.12 Art Nova 100 (Shanghai 1929 Artspace, Shanghai, China)
2013.12. Art Nova 100 (Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China)
2013.11. AAF. (Pit Building, Singapore.)
2013. 9. HFAF. (George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, U.S.A.)
2013. 9. Kobe Biennale (Meriken Park, Kobe, Japan)
2013. 8. Art Nova 100. (798 space, Beijing, China)
2013. 5. Korean contemporary, (schultz gallery, Berlin, Germany)
2013.04. All about Korea (White box, Munich, Germany)
2012.11. Media Variegations (AAW, 798, Beijing, China)
2012.11. Mudeun Tales (Henan Museum, Zhengzhou, China)
2012.09. Exhibition of famous artists (Macau, China)
2012.09. Korean zone (ARTMIA, Beijing, China)
2012.09. Mudeung Tales.(Today Art Museum, Beijing, China)
2011.12. 'Luggage-2nd Bangkok-Asia Young Artist Festival'(Artery, Bangkok, Thailand)
2011. 12. 11th Ha Jung Woong Young Artist Invitation(Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju)
2011.05. 1st. Sofia International Paper Art Biennial.
(National art gallery & Alley Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria)
2010.10. Artfair21.(Staatenhaus Am Rheinpark, Cologne, Germany.)
2010. 09. Emerging Asian Artists.( 2010 Gwangju Bienalle, Gwangju, Korea)
2009. 05. Blue Dot Asia 2009 (Hangaram Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea)