
Born in 1967, Mou Lu graduated from Kung Tung Technical Senior High School of Taitung in eastern Taiwan, with a major in Architectural Drawing. Her father was an ink painting artist who had held several solo exhibitions and published his own painting albums. Nurtured by her father, Mou has developed her special feeling in painting and learned from her father since her childhood.

As a female, Mou chooses to create something she is familiar with – women. She paints with a strong appeal of symbolism or iconic images, say a woman without facial feature but with flowers as the backdrop. This woman has no facial expression – whether an emotion of expectation, wanting, confidence, or ease – which means that she can be any one of us. With collaging technique, she furthermore adds depth to the entire painting, however, without exaggerating its existence, and this allows the viewer to comfortably step into her painting and becomes part of the artwork – in this way she makes her creation an open work of art.

Mou likes to use the prime colors – red, blue, black and white – to express her feeling or concept of purity. As to diamonds, they are used to symbolize eternality and the glamour of female virtues – her backbone, confidence, and determination. The outline of the female silhouette, by contrast, conveys her idea that “a genuinely important being shall be highlighted and its visibility heightened.”