
Studies of architecture. Since the mid-eighties he worked with significant private galleries and public institutions of contemporary art. Visiting professor in academies of art and universities. Author of contemporary art publications. Several influential critics have written about him. In this period he produces painting series inspired by the genre of still life, ”Still life is still living”. He has been engaged in the renewal of artistic language through an interdisciplinary method concerned with the public dimension of art. The research is distinguished by the reflection on issues like territory, environment, social conflicts and intercultural dynamics extending its prospective to politics, economy and human sciences. In 1999 he founded progettozingonia, an artistic dynamic, and in 2004 Reporting System, an association for contemporary art . His project “Zingonia: Arte Integrazione Multiculture” won in 2003 the Minimum Prize by Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto for the exhibition “Arte Pubblica: lo spazio delle relazioni” by Anna Detheridge and the project “Voyages croisés” (2003-2005), in partnership with Huit Facettes Interation, was invited by Okwui Enwezor to the 2° Seville Biennial, in 2006.