Within my work I'm using coincidence as a stylistic device
to illustrate the unpredictable. I‘m particularly interested
in mistranslations and defects, which manifest themselves
like little accidents during the creative process.
The motifs – based on photographs and digital constructed
layouts – are mainly transfered via inkjet or laser printers.
The prints are usually produced in series with a formal or
content-related correlation.
By folding, covering or exposing the print area, the inital
motif gets deconstructed during the printing process.
Resulting in cracks, gaps and misalignments, these
purposely provoked imperfections serve as an approach.
As each stage raises new questions, it requires decisions
that influence the further development, leaving the ultimate
result unpredictable. The visible traces of involvement as
well as the obvious repairs enlive the prints.
As records of their own making my prints interact between
the poles of their immanent materials, the manual elaboration
and the formal aesthetic. The statement lies in their presence.
My works are what they show and what is seen in them.