
Art is personal - it tells something about the taste, feelings and beliefs of a person. Besides that, it also might be used to make a statement about the status of a person or to adorn a space.

Art pieces are usually hung on walls, placed in the space or on plints as (video-) sculptures or take place in space as performances. Thus, though they are personal, made personally by the artist and chosen by the owner or spectator, they also keep their personal distance.

The human body as a medium to present a piece of art is widely neglected. This seems curious to me, since if art is personal why wouldn't be the human body be the perfect medium to 'personalize' it? Or is that too personal, too close, too revealing? Being stared at, commented on or approached?

These questions about art, the body and personalization, or in other words, how a piece of art on our body changes us, our behavior and the situation around us are really intriguing for me. This is why I make sculptures for the body.

