
Gaston (Gastone Serrangeli) is an italian artist born in 1947 (Ancona). His artistic career started in the mid-80’s and he is still active today. In the late 90’s his works started to be recognized outside of Italy, beginning his artistic and friendly relationship with European informalism maestro Jose Guevara. This relationship affected his representation and oriented it toward the “lirico segno”, a depiction less bound to realism, based on gestural painting.The research on pure and vibrant colours and a primitive finger painting ap-proach, are fundamentals for his unique and distinctive style. Gaston’s works have been exhibited in numerous italian venues as Ascoli Piceno, Urbino, Salvi International Prize, Marche Prize, Mole Vanvitelliana association and many others.In the last few years, art collectors from all over the world have been increas-ingly interested in his works and now his paintings can be found in London (including the artist Enrico David), Hong Kong, Stockholm, Madrid