Born on 1982, in San José, Costa Rica.At the age of 16 she initiates in the art , for two years she studied Chemical Engineering and Philosophy at the University of Costa Rica . In 2000 she enter the University of Costa Rica's School of Fine Arts, mayoring Painting and Printmaking. In 2007 she travels to Mexico to participate at the first drawing bienal ,” Rafael Cauduro”, that same year she travels to Cuba to participate of the workshop ,” multiple transparency” , she returns to Costa Rica and obtains the first prize at “Valoarte” 2007 Group show of latinamerican art , in 2008 she was the artist in residence at the Experimental Printmaking Institute at Easton Pa USA .
Her art work is about the study of the individual identity from the familiar surroundings in a profound and sarcastic way, from which autobiographical elements emerge. The images suggest that families are not so pretty or perfect as they seem but, they are fundamental in the constitution of the individual identity. The speech in my work, appeals to old photos of family groups but it adds a quota of irony , because the characters express a relationship of apparent normality that`s change while it`s contemplated. It`s imperfect, incomplete or far from ideal , These are paintings in search of the bizarre and they let us see indirectly , what lies beyond the apparent normality of the family group Trough disturbing characters that invade the spectator`s space I represent desires and I also like to play with the ideals, and stereotypes .