
Angela Vitrani, born in 1992 in Trani (BT), earned the First Level Degree in Decoration with 110 / 110lode at the Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia. From 2015 his artistic research is based on the creation of perceptual artwork dictated by feeling and psychological sensation, leading the art towards an inner dimension. Among the most important events he attended the First International Ravennamosaico International Festival - GAeM Young Artists and Mosaic of Ravenna; INSIDE III EXPO CONTEMPORARY ART at the Royal Opera Arcade Gallery in London; at the CreaModaExpo International Fair, 4th edition of Bologna; at the 2nd Biennial of Contemporary Art in Salerno - Young Contemporary; to "The Master Presenting the Student" IX Edition 2017- Montignoso (MS) and finally to the "WELCOME" Exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia.