
Orith Youdovich lives and works in Rome and Tel Aviv. Photographer and curator, graduated in Photography at the Higher Institute of Photography in Rome (ISF, 1992). After some time dedicated to social reportage, she has abandoned it in favour of conceptual photography and since then she runs her own creative look at the world in a continuous process of analysis of the relationship between subjective gaze and landscape. She also carries out an activity of artistic research based on the connection between photography and cinema.

She has exhibited her photographs in solo and group shows and curated exhibitions within the International Festival of Photography in Rome and Fotoleggendo.

Orith Youdovich is member of the Journalists Board since 2000 and is the co-editor of the online magazine CultFrame - Visual Arts. Since 2009 she is editor of the online magazine Punto di Svista - Visual Arts in Italy.

Publications: Co-author of the essay What should I Look At - Critical and Photographic Reflections on Michelangelo Antonioni’s Landscapes (Postcart, Rome, 2012); Curator of Israeli Contemporary Photography (FPM Edizioni, Rome, 2005).

In 2009 she co-founded the Cultural Association Punto di Svista (Visual Arts in Italy).