
Monia Lippi was born near Forli’, Italy. From her formal education in Interior Design in Milan, she arrived to photography and video through different experiences in Italy, then she moved to live and work in Paris for 5 years and now she lives in New York from 2005.

She worked some years as still photographer for many experimental Italian Theater Companies and she started to participated in numerous group shows and several independent and collaborative entries have been included in a number of Italian and German International Film Festivals and expositions.
Her main cultural influences come from the Italian and European arts, interested specially in architecture, painting, theater, cinema, but also in archeology and anthropology in general, developing a general curiosity in the human being differences related to places.

She has always been interested to the versatility of the U.S. American landscapes and cityscapes and their cultural identities and how different life-styles reflect themselves in architecture. Exploring different environments with the cinematic series “Nocturnal Brooklyn”, “The Last Vintage American Cars”, “Floating Winona” and “At 36000 Feet”, an ongoing project of aerial photographs of the US Southwest desert landscape.
Lately she did different personal works also in Vietnam, like “White Skin” and “Chau Doc Stilts”, “Floating Cat Ba” and others.