
Carla Cantore was born in 1972 in Matera where she currently lives and works. She started working with photography a decade ago, while collaborating with the ARCI Bari for the Research Report on youth issues and political refugees matters. She became so involved that she decided to attend workshops on social and denunciation photography, photo features, portrait and conceptual photography. She took part in the Cristina Nunez workshop on “The Method - The Self-Portrait Experience®”. Carla subsequently pursued her training with courses in composition and visual perception held by internationally recognized photographers. She attended the course/seminar on “Searching for a meaning through images” led by Mario Cresci - professor of photography at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts (Milan)- held at the Bari Polytechnic, Architecture Department, Photography section.
She then attends the workshop on “The perception of representation” held by Olivo Barbieri, photographer, and Luca Panaro, professor of History of Photography Critique at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts (Milan). She is currently enrolled in a three-year training course in Art Therapy specializing in Visual arts / photos / videos in Rome, run by professor Oliviero Rossi. This training has led her to attend personal growth workshops run with a specific method of active involvement in the therapeutic process, aimed at people undergoing existential issues.
Carla has actively taken part in projects run by the International Collective of photographers – Échiquier, comprising 70 photographers from 34 countries who use their photography for public awareness campaigns, helping people with severe psychophysical disabilities through social projects. After fulfilling her MIRRORLESS project she published a photographic book about it.
The Accademia Internazionale della Luce named her an honorary member.


