Maurizio Piccirillo (Maurice Pique) was born in 1968 in Cercola (NA), but lives and works in Tuscany for many years. Poet, writer, musician, visual digital artist, journalist / publicist, curator of cultural and artistic events, take part in literary competitions, poetry readings by radio, artistic street performances, art installations, creative writing courses and attended cultural circles. Several of his works have been published by specialized magazines, websites and anthologies of awards. He has published collections of poetry and fiction. Since 2008, as a contemporary digital artist has participated in several solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad such as Brussels, London, San Francisco, Berlin, Lugano, Madrid, Barcelona, Zurich, Prague, Bruges. curious self-taught, has always tried to live with his three souls: sound, text, image.
Registration to SIAE-OLAF n ° 177710
Registration AGENDA Toscana n ° 147498
Member UCSI Tuscany