I live with my wife and our two children in my own studio-hause based in Montecchio
Emilia where I born.
In addition to devote myself to sculpture, I work at the Opera House in Reggio Emilia where I
follow the set design construction department; I direct and teach at the School of Sculpture of
Canossa, Reggio Emilia.
My works have been exhibited in group shows that personal, and I made four monumental
"My research stems from the desire to put in the spotlight the importance of water in the
contemporary world: increasingly valuable, to be safeguarded through a new consumer culture.
For this reason I decided not to celebrate it through fountains or water features, but to fix the
image in a form that are mindful of the importance, even a single drop. "
My research on the marble, which has as its subject the water and the possibility of giving a
liquid appearance to a solid material, began in 2006 and continues today.