
Marco Barberio is an artist first, then an entrepreneur.
Did his best to balance art and science in his life. His whole paintings completely reflects the dualism between this two forces.The prominence and the plastic sense of the figures is obtained by the chromaticism. The chiaroscuro is nearly missing.
The curves, that often take a self-expressive value, detach the subject from the background and make it tangible.The color shades in steps as level curves of a map has a precise meaning. Here comes what He calls "sampled realism". It requires a brief excursus on his painting technique. All starts with a photo taken by him focusing on some keypoint such as the strong contrast and rich colors.The picture undergoes a fundamental digital process by computer programs, someone written by him, that greatly simplify the colors. What he looks for in the process of change is inherent in the meaning of the word digital. The transition between real life 'analog' where the person lives and the digital world of the photo, is through a 'digital sampling'. In this sampling, obviously is impossible to capture all the color shades. it is like to cut a thread in different points at equal distances and throw some of insignificant pieces while maintaining the same overall length. He thinks It can be just a little metaphor of the modern digital life. Day by day we lose some pieces that we feel worthless, anyway absently we can't perceive this loss. So that is what Marco calls sampled realism: At first view, when you look at his paintings, you can have an almost realistic impact, but at more attentively watch you can appreciate all the losses defined by the different colors between the curves. These gaps represent not just the shortcomings of our lives, but at the same time give us the opportunity to build a new reality reformulated on our knowledge and experience.
