
I am a freelancer in the technological sector, married with three children, I live and currently work in Schio (Vicenza), where I was born in 1971.

I admire OpenSource philosophy, the spread of CreativeCommons and any positive sort of social participation and interaction. Attentive to global issues, sustainable mobility, renewable energy, reusable products, I adopt the DIY maker culture and anything that can trigger a shared creativity. I love the idea of going beyond, embracing the world through art and technology.

Being self-taught, I am prone to mix different materials and technologies in a sort of contamination among the most various fields, I try to go beyond stereotypes, because I believe in the possibility of something unexpected, illogical, of an alternative to the “this is how it is..”.
Being intrigued by innovations, I experiment, without preconceptions, different types of instruments that allow to go beyond the human perception's limits, trying to consider my works of art beyond the bounds of their essence.

I express my creative commitment through #capacitiveArt, and it is generally based on finding an independent use of progress aimed at promoting the fundamental values of the human being and increasing a post-modern awareness from new semantic fields.

I am keen on avant-garde artists such as Da Vinci, Pollock, Kandinsky and every ground-breaking creator in general. I am fascinated by conceptual art, the Fluxus philosophy and the mixture of the opposites. I believe that communication among people is essential, especially if it is aimed at exploring innovative interactions between peace and justice. Living in an era of high technological content, as we do, I think that the greatest wish we can make for ourselves is to be able to find communion in sharing.