
Melanie is a photographer based in the South West of England. She has recently taken a new direction with her photography. The broad theme of her work is an exploration of Nature Deficit Disorder. This describes the current divorce between human and habitat; an alienation from nature that negatively affects children and adults alike. Ever increasing screen time and over protective or dysfunctional parenting alienates us from an innate sense of place within the rhythm and cycle of life. This is an issue effecting many of us and will continue to become more of a a challenge for the new generations to come.

Allied with this exploration is a search for meaning, questioning what it means to be part of the anthropocene generation. We are the ones living in a moment in deep time when more damage has occurred on the planet then ever before, the effects of which will take millennia to re-balance. On a personal level this bigger picture imbalance is reflected in the prevalence of intergenerational trauma felt on an individual level. Melanie is looking beneath the immediately visible, at deeper layers of discontent that exist beyond surface narrative and stripping away the mask to reveal autobiographical details hidden within the context of her images.