
Queer, disabled, woman, Irish; many things define me and my art. I look to find the reality behind facades and the personality in imperfection. I appropriate traditional objects, materials and crafts; transforming them through assemblage, creating new forms, queer disabled forms. I am drawn to the intersections of fine art and craft.

I believe that disability is both a context and an aesthetic. Much as queer theory has enriched our understanding of modern and contemporary art, disability theory functions in a similar way. Following the logic of disability theorist Tobin Siebers, I suggest that we (the disabled) were always there (even in the good china); I just bring us to the surface.

My nostalgia isn’t a longing for the past idealised and rewritten, but a peek into the past that most people couldn’t/wouldn’t see and a glorious celebration of difference, oddity, gender bending, rebellious ageing, disability and queerness.


