
Stefania Spitalieri was born on 30th june,1984 in Palermo.
Lover of art in all its facets, she goes to Art School and then, she graduates with a degree in Undustrial Design at University of Palermo.
She is full of stimuli and ideas, her reasearch field evolves continually, so she collaborates to "the Design Zingaro association" where love for art and love for nature mix together.
She makes a way of experimentation on the vegetables fibres and on their use in our society based on consumerism nowdays.
Aware of the social role of the artist, she organizes, above all, workshop and research laboratories of environmentally friendly things accessible to everybody.
After this long experience, she moves to Venice where she masters "Interactive Media for Interior Design" ai IUAV, by dedicating herself to the design and the communication of the interior design and environmentally friendly furniture.
After working as a technical assistent in Art School she dedicates herself to another art field sculpture.
So, she decides to take a two-year course of sculpture at the Accademy of Fine Arts where she still continues her activity of research on social issues with great interest.

