
I studied architecture beacause of its great realation with space, simetry and the idea of uniqueness within a universal corpse. The same that happens with a a human face. When i discovered this similarity and its magical possibilities, I went on studing at New York Visual Arts School and, later on, at the most important school for painters at Mexico, the Escuela Nacional de San Carlos, where i felt in love with almost every drawing materials and techniques. I've done several works on tempera, oil, watercolor and, most recently, acrylic. And discovered that mixing them is almost a painter's paradise. Finding the infinite options i have every time i take a brush is like discovering the land where creation itself creates a new reality...
I draw with a real desire to understand all the mysteries: those of color, those of human expression and those that reveals aesthetic even where they appear to have none. I describe myself as an insatiable curious eye and a silent observer, in equal proportion. Absolut passionate about all the faces of a single human face. My weakness: to paint them.
I draw portraits not merely of individuals but their often hidden traits of beauty...