Luca Azzurro,
born December / 16th /1988 in Busto Arsizio (Italy), is a creative person which has always loved Art. He has taken his first steps in Visual Art, then expressed himself through Street Art and Graphics Multimedia. He cultivated love for draw in his spare time at a young age. The growing hunger for Art led him to undertake studies at the School of Art in Crema ( Italy). During his studies, the young Luca, hones his skills and his talent, growing and developing in " Street Art ". After secondary school and having learned excellently techniques and the history of the greatest artists of all time, he decides to express his art combining impressionism and surrealism, his main academic influences, together with the energy and the eclecticism of "Murales". This led him to create a special, dynamic and modern form of painting, to represent the landscapes and views of the city where he lives, Crema.