
By analyzing the drawings, graphics, collages, gouaches, glazes, oil paintings, digital works and videos Erminio Di Camillo, I was hit, immediately, by the multiplicity of languages ​​and techniques, the variety and vitality of signs and colors.
Everything appeared to be the result of an application and a temperament marked by the needs and the impulses of the moment, almost a glowing and unstoppable creative flow.
This feeling sudden, however, he contrasted with the word, the movements and the muted tones of the artist and thoughtful considerations. So, I had, as they say, a pause for reflection, and looking for some reminiscence, part of my reading, I thought the theories of the philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend and the theoretical core of his major work, based on the conviction that there is no 'method' or 'only rule "that is the basis of each project activity, especially of the artistic and cultural. Intelligent men do not let themselves be influenced by rules, established and "rational methods rules" but are possibilists and ready to use mental and creative abilities means that, within a particular context, prove to be the most suitable to achieve its end.
At this point the work of Erminio Di Camillo have made a clear and obvious meaning, in line with his daily task of brilliant and experienced media operator who, after practicing all the classic techniques of graphic art, has experienced, in the arts with an open mind and a profound sense of renewal, new methods and new materials. It was one of the first in Italy to use the "computer art", creating works of great complexity and impressive, appreciated by collectors and professionals.
These applications, however, are not served to limit, or to dry out the talent and the artist's imaginative faculties Pescara, but have been implemented and used to enhance the human and creative qualities of man and the craftsman.
In a socio-historical reality in which everything seems fluid, uncertain and insecure, the field of imagination and poetry becomes almost the shelter that allows the artist to take shelter of a hedonistic society and mercantile, where everything, every function is precisely characterized and bribed.
In this condition, he responds with works that bring 'Untitled', as does Di Camillo, not only to fully adhere to the sense of uncertainty and insecurity of the current times, but also to preserve his work from any worldly temptation and utilitarian .
The bet all Pescara artist sull'interdisciplinarità and multimedia, the abandonment of all sorts of traditional formalization, as the language is not the end but the means to a renewed notion of art, destined, according to Martin Heidegger, not so much to show, how to set up the institution's truth and, therefore, the true meaning of things and of life.
The latest research by Di Camillo, in artistic partnership with his son Luca, are aimed at creating 3D High Quality video art, which can be viewed in 2D / 3D on TV screens, PC, Tablet, iPhone, etc.
Notable is the production of high fashion that is having great success for the quality and the brand new beauty of his designs.
Erminio Di Camillo is interested international museum organizations such as the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Saatchi Gallery, etc.
Nicola Costanzo
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