Si alza il sipario e si abbassano le luci, vi prego di prendere posto a sedere e godere della performance intellettuale e artistica al limite del paradossale.
In questi saggi accademici e dialoghi finti la condizione stessa del processo artistico occupa il centro della scena, mentre viene messa in luce la possibilità di una futura unione tra concetto ed estetica. Il NOME levita momentaneamente la realtà, sbirciando sotto il tappeto dell’arte in un tentativo inutile di nominare ciò che non può essere nominato.
The Name - an exhibition by Shane Bradford at The Institute Of Jamais Vu, London.
April 20th May 5th, 2012.
The Name is a complex network of forms, ideas and associations that takes on the template of art exhibition as its primary means of communication. Shane Bradford, under this interpretation, is an artist who makes intricate and intentionally well-crafted objects, often using the process of ‘dipping’ with which he has become synonymous. In this primary guise the work responds to aesthetics and current formal artistic discourse as expected.
The exhibition, however, is accompanied by a short play-sc
A publication entitled the Name, by Shane Bradford and published by The Institute Of Jamais Vu is available via the IJV website:
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