From February 21 2013 it will be the turn of Joseph Pace Filtranisme wich his new solo exhibition titled Un Mondo Al Quadrato (A World To The Square). Emanuel von Lauenstein Massarani, Director of Museo de Arte ALESP de Sao Paulo (Brazil) and President of the Istituto de Conservaçao do Patrimônio Historico do Estado de São Paulo, in 2011 said "The work of Joseph Pace is related to the "gestualisme" and to the abstract expressionism, forming thus the “abstract expressionism filtraniste".
Opening Thursday February 21 2013, from 6pm to 10,30pm - Vernissage giovedì 21 febbraio 2013, ore 18.00 - 22,30 - By Federico Simonelli - Essay by Mariastella Margozzi - Organisation: Laura Maggi - Press Office: Viviana Bilotti and Arianna Olivari - Public Relations: Gloria Maggi
Via dei Cappellari, 88, 00196, Rome
Tel/Fax 0668805846
Mart./sab. dalle 16:00 alle 20:00
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