martine martel
Artista, Business, Pittore, Monte-Carlo, Monaco, iscritta 11 anni fa
Mostre, Torino, 11 February 2015
“PEACE” will be held at MIIT - International Museum Italia Arte of Turin, a self-financed museum, dedicated to international cultural exchange between Italian and foreign artists, and sponsored by pu...leggi tutto
Mostre, Germania, Köln, 30 September 2015
Group Exhibition of Monte-Carlo painters
Mostre, Venezia, 10 June 2015
Comunicato stampa
Palazzo Priuli Bon, Santa Croce 1979 A , Venezia
Le rive del Canal Grande ospitano dal 11 al 20 giugno la mostra “ Artificio di colori”, una collettiva di artisti conte...leggi tutto
News, Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 04 May 2015
Please see the article:
Artist Of The Month - Martine Martel
Martine Martel was born in Belgium and studied painting in private art schoo...leggi tutto
Mostre, Roma, 28 February 2015
Mostre, Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 05 July 2014
My monumental painting SUN-UP is now on permanent display to welcome all members and their guests to the SUNRISE RESTAURANT on the fifth floor of this incredibly beautiful new Clubhouse designed by Si...leggi tutto
Mostre, Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 27 June 2014
Group Exhibition of Japanese and Monte-Carlo artists
Mostre, Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 05 June 2014
Group show of Monaco artists, organized in Monte-Carlo by the Direction of Cultural Affairs of the Principality;
Mostre, Giappone, Ōsaka-shi, 16 May 2014
16 - 18 May 2014
OBP Twin 21
2-1-61, Shiromi, Chuo-ku,
Osaka, 541-0001
Mostre, Giappone, Ōsaka-shi, 04 April 2014
"OASIS 2014"
Sendaï :
4 - 8 April 2014
Sendai Mediatheque
2-1 Kasugamachi Aoba-ku,Sendai,
Miyagi Prefecture 980-0821,
News, Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 07 March 2014
The Prize of Arts and Culture Monaco-Japan 2014 was attributed on March 7th 2014 at the Official Opening of the 8th Encounter Monaco-Japan 2014 by the Director of Cultural Affairs and the Director o...leggi tutto
Mostre, Milano, San Donato Milanese, 22 February 2014
Mostra di gruppo del Comite monegasque des Arts Plastiques
Mostre, Pisa, 22 February 2014
Inserita nel progetto "Donne in arte" in questa occasione si cercherà di fare maggior luce sul capacità creatività femminile sempre nell'intento comunque di valorizzare la realtà artistica femminile...leggi tutto
Mostre, Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 14 January 2014
Tra Cielo e Mare. Mostra personale dell'artista
Mostre, Ferrara, 20 September 2013
Premio Il Segno 2013 Quinta edizione
Mostra dei partecipanti: 20-27 settembre 2013, Palazzo della Racchetta, Ferrara
Bando di Concorso 2013